Churches in Croxley Green CIO (Registered Charity Number: 1179287)
Welcome to our website. Churches in Croxley Green CIO is a registered charity which seeks to support people in the Croxley Green community towards Whole Person Healthcare through this Parish Nurse project. The constitution for the charity is here - Churches in Croxley Green CIO Constitution
What is Parish Nursing?
Parish Nursing is an established mechanism by which Christians have demonstrated the love of Jesus by providing holistic care to people in need, regardless of background. Parish Nurses work with people of all ages and backgrounds, with any faith or none, focusing on the person rather than just a medical condition and integrating all the different aspects of health. A Parish Nurse can:
Click here for our introduction leaflet:Annual Report for 2023
The trustees annual report for the last year is available here to download. The accounts are not included but can be emailed on request from the treasurer [email protected] We rely on charitable donations to support the regular work of our nurses - could you help us by making a donation, or better still, set up a regular monthly direct debit?Fully accreditedChurches in Croxley Green are partnering with Parish Nursing Ministries UK in an addredited service offering whole-person health care in this community. See our certificate here!
A Message from your Parish Nurse Cathy:
It is a privilege to be one of your Croxley Green Parish Nurses and I am enjoying meeting and getting to know more of you – the residents and parishioners of Croxley - as the service expands. The Parish Nurse Service supports our already established NHS colleagues such as GPs and community practitioners to promote the health and wellbeing of individuals and families. We are also have a team of wonderful volunteers who continue to enhance the Service as it develops. The beauty of Parish Nursing is that it truly is whole person care, taking into consideration the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of individuals. Parish Nurses are uniquely placed to be able to attend to the wellbeing of the ‘whole person’, irrespective of their faith, or no faith, their age, sex, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or ability. There are almost 100 Parish Nurses working across the UK, all are qualified nurses who are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Since commencing the role on 4th April 2019 I have continued to meet various groups of people, making home visits and engaging with our new dementia and cancer support groups. I now really feel part of the Croxley Green community. Croxley Parish Nurse Service continues to change and grow, and as the service develops, the Trustees and I welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or All Saints’ Church, c/o The Vicarage, Croxley Green, WD3 3HJ. Please note that I work one day per week, usually on a Thursday or Friday. I will respond to any contact as quickly as is possible. Cathy A message from your Parish Nurse Ruth:Hi, I am very pleased to be part of the Croxley Parish Nursing Team as a registered Mental Health Nurse. I have been nursing for over twenty years and have recently taken early retirement from the NHS. However I am hugely excited to be your Parish nurse alongside Cathy.
I will endeavor to address any mental health needs and you can contact me at [email protected]. I live in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire with my two daughters, two dogs and two hamsters! Love and prayers Ruth |
Churches Together in Croxley Green has its own website here