Donate to Churches in Croxley Green CIO - Parish Nurse Project
Your support will enable us to provide holistic Parish Nurse care to those in need in Croxley Green. We are very grateful to everyone who supports us in various ways; practically, prayerfully and financially. THANK-YOU!
Postal Address for donations:
Churches in Croxley Green CIO (Parish Nurse Project) c/o All Saints Church The Green Croxley Green Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 3HJ Banking Details for direct BACS donations:
Account: 'Churches in Croxley Green CIO' Sort Code: 30 90 89 Account Number: 37873460 Standing orderIf you are able to support the charity with a monthly standing order this would really help us to plan increased service provision. A standing order form is available here:
Donate online via Just Giving:Please note that donations mad via Just Giving are anonymous. Some donors prefer to stay anonymous and to preserve data privacy this is the default position on Just Giving. However, we would really like to be able to personally thank donors and keep in touch, so if you would be happy to send us a short message so we can identify you we would be most grateful. Drop a line to [email protected] Many thanks!!
We are a charity registered with the Charity Commission (number 1179287).
Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by the donor. This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, boosting the value of the donation by a quarter. Please print off and complete the Gift Aid declaration form to enable us to make the claim if you are a UK taxpayer. Thank-you! |